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Whoa, have we been busy! Here are a few highlights from recent projects. Click below to see more of these projects and others.
Branding Projects | Print Design Projects | Web Design Projects
The BuyOut Company
The BuyOut Company helps people sell their homes who need cash fast. We designed a series of direct mailers with their specific target audience in mind. Key to this campaign were images of real people and real testimonials— people and stories the target audience would identify with. The design also had to appeal to a younger generation as many thirty-somethings often help their aging parents downsize.
The Kindness Remedy
Non-traditional square business card design for Lori Zimmerman, RN, founder of The Kindness Remedy to be used as a fun leave-behind displaying only her brand and phone number. A line art graphic was also created, which visually represents the mission of The Kindness Remedy.
Brooklyn Peace Center
The Brooklyn Peace Center’s website aims to help them resolve injustice in nonviolent and antiviolent ways and to transform the structural conditions that generate harmful conflict by providing information, resources, and ways to connect and educate the community.
The Kindness Remedy
This is a new venture for Lori and we helped get her message out to the world. We worked with her on branding, designed the logos, material, and the look, feel and functionality of her site.
Blossie’s Books
Diana Davin is the author and publisher of Blossie’s Books in Connecticut. Blossie’s Books are a quick read of simple ideas like hope, optimism and personal power.
Emergent Business
Small business website designed to engage visitors and offer the right balance of information and insight without causing mental overload and frustration with custom graphics and well-designed navigation.
Compass32 Travel
Travel agency website design and build utilizing third-party Yacht search functionality.
Vymune® is the latest immune supplement currently performing beautifully in clinical trials and is currently sold on Amazon! This project was years in the making and required us to carefully follow strict FDA guidelines for labeling and packaging.
The Active Archive Alliance
The Active Archive Alliance designs and implements modern active archive strategies that solve data
growth challenges through intelligent data management and are comprised of companies such as IBM and FUJIFILM. We reorgainized and refreshed the UI while continually maintaining and updating the site.